Thursday, August 30, 2007

In the News: What's Happening in Teaching and Technology this Week

Although there are still a few weeks until the quarter is underway, for most everyone else in the nation, this week or next is back to school. Media outlets are in a frenzy to produce interesting back to school articles. From NPR we get a reminder of the culture shock that some new college students experience: Away to College, and a New Culture. The Chronicle of Higher Ed and many other educational sites notes that Firefox is releasing a special edition: Firefox Releases New 'Campus Edition' Web Browser.

If you haven't checked out Zotero (which is a plug-in included in the Campus Edition of Firefox) you should. It is produced by The Center for History and New Media and George Mason University. Zotero is similar in function to Google Notebook, but in my mind, easier to use for serious research. Read/Write Web's recent post, provides a round up of web based tools for students. My personal favorites are yBib and EasyBib, which assist students in properly formating their citations. (If you give your students proper instructions, there really is no excuse for them to turn in sloppy bibliographies.)

For Fun: Here's a new website that combines wikis and mindmapping, creating a new way for visual thinkers to navigate the web: WikiMindMap.

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